How product based startups configure multiple clients requirements with same code base.
Let me get to the point very straight without beating around the bush as to how startup works with variuos clients.
You might be aware of the fact product based startups has to handle multple clients, And all their clients are using same product but somewhere for most of the clients their requirements are certainly different.
If you think from engineering point of view, You cannot build a system in such a way so that you write seprate code for different-different clients, lets say if you are a developer working for a startup and currently writing code to build a system for X,Y,Z clients. tomorrow if a new customer A onboarded and you wont be seating there and writing a code since A need some another flavour of your product.
In product based startups some time the customer onboarding is too fast soo that you wont be having enough time to build a new flavoured version for new client.And by the way you dont have any other choice but to write a generic code that works for all customers.
Than what do you think, what startups do to customize client’s requirement.
Actuallly there are some tools, mechanism that will help your company to write a configured code so that on the fly you can plug in for any customer.Since you are gonna have same code for all clients.
I hope now you would have got some idea , how configuration plays very important role in product based companies when client onboarding is very rapid.
In my next article, I would walk you through some of the mechanism/tools that you can follow in your company while building a A-1 highly scalable and highly cofigurable system.